Eight years of pen pals

About eight years ago, I revived a very old hobby of mine: writing letters. I used to have a few pen pals when I was a kid in the nineties. Back then, my pen pals were in particular another kid who used to come to my parents’ farm back when we had a vacation apartment business. But with the rise of the internet in the 00s, that hobby fell out of fashion and I lost touch with all of my pen pals. I made new friends on the internet and my primary form of long-distance communication became ICQ and the […]

Dissertation defended!

Yesterday five years of hard work finally came to a conclusion in the defense of my dissertation. Being a PhD student was the most challenging thing I ever did in my professional/academic career – all the memes are true. While you’re doing it, you feel like you are climbing a never ending mountain that just keeps getting higher and higher. And when you finally think you reach the end (submitting the dissertation), there’s another mountain waiting for you (defending the dissertation), and then another small hill (publishing the dissertation). And only then it’s finally done. How do you even compress […]