Delving into the past of this blog

This blog has existed in various forms, with a few breaks, since March 2005. There might even have been earlier versions of this blog, but probably in the form of some cringey “personal website”, as they were all the rage from 2000-2005, before blogs were a thing. Since I didn’t really blog much the last few years, I took my blog offline for a while. Reasons for that are varied, one of them is that I was definitely too busy with other things in my life, and another is that WordPress has become a UX nightmare for the casual blogger. […]

Twenty fourteen in tv show stats and other geeky stuff

Every year, I create a “what I did this year” blog post on my blog, meticulously organized by month. But this year I don’t feel like it would enrich my blog. The years are accelerating at an incredible rate. It seems only yesterday that I wrote my 2013 post, and I’m starting to get the feeling that soon my blog will only contain these posts, one every year, since I hardly find the time to blog about other things. Seriously, who still reads/writes a blog…?! 2014 and me The year 2014 was a strange experience. It was the year I […]

Statistics for the TV show addict

The year is coming to a close. It has been the most life-changing year of my life (I might post more on that on 31 Dec), but some things never really change: at heart, I am still a TV show addict. It remains my favourite format of consuming fiction (sometimes also non-fiction), and this is clearly reflected in not only the following statistics, but also the fact that I’m so much of a nerd, I actually have a database that allows me to create these statistics. I started tracking the movies I watch in 2006 as part of a blog […]