How to be Australian

Today I am sadly leaving Australia. During my time here, I assumed the role of observer and tried to gain as much knowledge about Australians and their culture as possible. I would like to share my observations here, even though I might risk angering my Australian friends by reinforcing some stereotypes! Oh dear… but wait, angry Australians? I don’t think such a thing exists… Please note: some observations might be exclusive to Queenslanders. Be nice and friendly! It’s true, Australians are nice and friendly (and they just can’t help it). They will always greet you with a smile and chat […]

The Year 2011

As usual, here is my review of this year. It’s been probably the most life-changing year since 2005, because I gave up my job and started university. January After a quiet New Year’s Eve at home with Fantasia movies, we shortly after started thinking about adding a room to our apartment – the attic above our kitchen would made a good addition once renovated. But now, one year later, we still don’t have a sale contract so we mainly use it as storage place for now. We finally got a new oven, after the old one died miserably. I created […]