Corona Chronicles: The first 19 days of lockdown

Here are the exciting tales of being locked up at home because there’s a pandemic going on! Tune in to find out what I did every day in excruciating detail! I’m writing this because: it’ll probably be interesting to look at years from now time tends to become a blur when I stay in my apartment without going outside for a very long time, so it helps me a bit to stay sane it’ll help me to practice writing, and any kind of writing practice is good for me at the moment, since I want to start writing my dissertation […]

A Place In This World

I’ve been back in Germany from Australia for two weeks, or something along that line. Truth is, I have completely lost my feeling for time (hello, jetlag) and I usually can’t even tell which weekday it is. I was a bit shocked today when I realised that January is almost over. My first week here was very surreal. I had been away from this place for half a year. In this half a year, I have experienced how perfect and pleasant life can be. Suddenly, everything about this place is a shock, everything is making me feel incredibly unwelcome. People […]

Statistics for the TV show addict

The year is coming to a close. It has been the most life-changing year of my life (I might post more on that on 31 Dec), but some things never really change: at heart, I am still a TV show addict. It remains my favourite format of consuming fiction (sometimes also non-fiction), and this is clearly reflected in not only the following statistics, but also the fact that I’m so much of a nerd, I actually have a database that allows me to create these statistics. I started tracking the movies I watch in 2006 as part of a blog […]

Farscape: Not sure if good or bad TV show.

Imagine the impossible: coincidentally ending up at the other end of the universe, being unable to ever lay eyes on planet earth again. It happened to John Crichton, protagonist and only human of the TV show Farscape. Farscape is essentially one thing: far. Far away. By far one of the most imaginative shows. Far and wide. So far out there. John Crichton is an astronaut from the good old US of A. He is apparently also a talented engineer or something, since he built a module by the name of Farscape which he volunteered to take out into space. It […]

How the carelessness of homo sapiens might restrict them from building spaceships

We, the human race, are constricted to this tiny planet, located in a huge galaxy within an even more inconceivably big universe. The science fictional notion of trying to discover planets still seems like a thing of the far far away future, but will it actually ever happen? The rapid progress of the last hundred years might come to a full stop sooner than we think, because we have exploited our planet to it’s limits. In November 2010 it was officially announced that we’ve reached “peak oil”, meaning that the time where the maximum amount of global petroleum extraction is […]

Of Parallel Universes, Alternate Realities, Realms and Dimensions

As a side effect of the significant amount of Science Fiction I’ve been enjoying lately (most recently having devoured Fringe in no time), I’ve noticed a phenomenon that is almost as inexplicably over-present in fiction as vampires or zombies are: Parallel Universes. There’s just one thing in which Parallel Universes strikingly differ from fiction-favorites vampires and zombies: their existence can not be proven, nor can be proven that they don’t exist. They are the lab cat of science, locked in a box labeled “Schrodinger’s”. Science usually refers to Parallel Universes as the “Multiverse”, which I will also do here, mostly. […]