A Lifetime

I was a small, clumsy human being and I still needed to find out how to navigate the world. You carried me for the first few years of my life, always with a smile on your face. But one day (or was it the evening, I think the lights were on?), when we you were standing at the kitchen window, I asked you to pick me up and carry me, and you told me that I’m getting too heavy for you to carry me. Perhaps I was looking for different way to be carried, because some time after that, I […]


I am standing in this big, bright room, surrounded by windows on three sides, and with skylights on the top. Next to me is the big, open kitchen, the floor shining in dark brown, I can see it through the two big archways and the window. All around me is the biggest sofa I have ever seen, in a somewhat worn light blue color, inter-spaced by little tables and lamps. The walls are decorated with trinkets. I can feel the soft carpet under my feet. The sun is shining, and I can feel its warmth and brightness. When I look […]