a castle floating in the sky that looks like its made from game components

The Castle in the Sky

The topic of job search kept me occupied for several months now. During this whole process I often thought about which jobs would be a great fit for me other than those to which I usually applied. In particular, while I was in Berlin two weeks ago for an internship that is about to end, I visited a small board gaming club, and inspired by that, an outrageous idea started brewing inside of me. It made me think about what I would do with my life if I had unlimited funds and wouldn’t need to worry about my career. Actually […]

Inception – A Labyrinth of Dreams

Warning: Contains spoilers for the movie Inception! Will probably also not make much sense without having seen the movie. Sometimes I dream that I’m slipping or falling over, and the sensation I feel in the dream sends impulses to my body causing my legs and arms to try catch the fall (and thus move) – which instantly wakes me up. But it has happened that I dreamed about falling down and down from somewhere very high for a long time, without being able to wake up from the dream. I kept falling and I felt that tingling, yet incredibly scary, […]