Little Monsters

Two months after having taught myself how to crochet, I have created a monster. Er, actually, a few of them. The two Daleks I knit last year now have company by this fellow Doctor Who “monster”: That is of course an “Adipose” from the 4.01 episode “Partners in Crime”. One of the sillier episodes with one of the silliest monsters, but they are so silly that they’re just cute. The crochet pattern is on ravelry. The body was very easy though mine looks a bit more squashed than the one in the instructions. I also had my trouble with the […]

Getting hooked

Two weeks ago I spontaneously taught myself how to crochet. Of course I already knew how to knit, but having had too much time on my hands to browse ravelry, I saw some cool crochet patterns which appealed to me. So I dug out those old crochet hooks who I’ve inherited from probably my grandmother plus some leftover yarn, and started crocheting. YouTube has once again been a great help, and about an hour later I created a somewhat crooked swatch. Afterwards I tried my luck with a granny square, which still looks a bit crooked, but I think I’ve […]