Blood and Chocolate

Yesterday I finally finished watching the latest and likely final season of Hannibal. Sadly, Hannibal has been cancelled by NBC and by now it doesn’t look like the show will be picked up by another production company, as most people involved in it have already moved on to other projects. Though I always did admire Hannibal for its writing and cinematography, I did not always necessarily enjoy watching it – it’s just a bit too disgusting for me, and way too sick. I think that’s pretty obvious if you read my profanity-laden post-season-one review of Hannibal. Therefore, I have to […]

Hannibal will eat you up inside

Oh my god, that’s fucking disgusting! Excuse my language, but it’s absolutely necessary, because that’s essentially what you will keep telling yourself if you decide to watch the TV adaptation of Hannibal. Initially I was hesitant to watch this at all, because I have the feeling that Hannibal Lecter is a topic as worn out as a pair of twenty year old sneakers. Sure, we all love Anthony Hopkins for his creepy-ass portrayal of fiction’s most famous cannibal. But after Silence of the Lambs, things got a bit less mind-blowing. The feature film Hannibal was fucking disgusting (tough in a […]

The Edible Woman

Margaret Atwood’s debut novel, first published in 1969, was way ahead of its time. Initially it reminded me of Mad Men: a TV show in which women are undermined by the patriarch society from not so long ago. For the record, I have only seen three episodes of Mad Men and then I gave up, because it is neither fun to watch nor did I really care about any of the characters. What Mad Men and The Edible Woman have in common is the behavior of men towards women. The Edible Woman, however, is an “original”, a real product of […]