The pros and cons of AI generated images

The pros and cons of AI generated images

Since its release of v4, I’ve been an avid user of Midjourney, one of the currently most popular image generation tools aside from DALL-E and The current popularity of AI image generation tools has created quite an uproar among artist community, who fear for their livelihood. Personally, I think AI is a fantastic tool, that can help artists generate new ideas and improve existing art. Midjourney can create fantastic images, especially in the context of fantasy settings, and I’ve been using it primarily to create images for our Dungeons & Dragons campaign, such as images of the player characters […]

Blog layouts through the ages

Blog layouts through the ages

Welcome to adulthood,! This domain name has now been in my possession for 18 years, and this year, in 2023, it has finally found a new purpose after having been a mere splash screen for over a decade. If you’ve followed my internet presence in the past, you probably know that I’ve always had some sort of website or blog. I have already mentioned some of these in my post Delving into the past of this blog from a few months ago. Now with as the latest incarnation of my personal internet presence, as well as with a […]

Data Science with Doctor Who (2005)

Data Science with Doctor Who (2005)

As a long time fan of Doctor Who (2005), I hit a wall watching the show around 2020. I really wanted to like the new (Thirteenth) Doctor, but somehow the show just wasn’t as magical anymore as it used to be in the old days. After I suffered through Orphan 55, I glanced over the IMDb Ratings of the show, and realized that I did not seem to be alone. The ratings had gone down significantly, and I wondered why this might be. So I created a spreadsheet and plotted the data of the ratings. I considered more advanced methods […]

What makes a great teacher?

I recently had cause to reminisce about my experience in #teaching undergraduate classes at university, and especially about what makes a great teacher. My background in this is that I taught tutorials starting in 2015 and undergraduate seminars starting in 2018, I attended plenty of ‘train the trainer’ courses, and worked closely with a wonderful team of academic teachers for years. Aside from my teaching experience, I have obviously also experienced a vast variety of academic teachers as a student. Here’s my humble opinion on what makes a great teacher: Show enthusiasm for the topic. If you’re truly passionate about […]

Delving into the past of this blog

This blog has existed in various forms, with a few breaks, since March 2005. There might even have been earlier versions of this blog, but probably in the form of some cringey “personal website”, as they were all the rage from 2000-2005, before blogs were a thing. Since I didn’t really blog much the last few years, I took my blog offline for a while. Reasons for that are varied, one of them is that I was definitely too busy with other things in my life, and another is that WordPress has become a UX nightmare for the casual blogger. […]

Read Dead Redemption 2

Read Dead Redemption 2

Rarely have a been carried away by a video game as I have been by Red Dead Redemption 2. What an absolutely amazing, outstanding, and somewhat heartbreaking game. Admittedly, Arthur and I had a rough start, I really hated Chapter 1 because learning the controls in this game (and learning to not accidentally shoot people) takes way too long. But once that was over and the story truly began, the game really grew on me, and I enjoyed just riding around this breathtaking, pristine landscape, back when times were simpler and the world was not quite insane yet. Just Arthur […]

Dissertation defended!

Dissertation defended!

Yesterday five years of hard work finally came to a conclusion in the defense of my dissertation. Being a PhD student was the most challenging thing I ever did in my professional/academic career – all the memes are true. While you’re doing it, you feel like you are climbing a never ending mountain that just keeps getting higher and higher. And when you finally think you reach the end (submitting the dissertation), there’s another mountain waiting for you (defending the dissertation), and then another small hill (publishing the dissertation). And only then it’s finally done. How do you even compress […]


I am standing in this big, bright room, surrounded by windows on three sides, and with skylights on the top. Next to me is the big, open kitchen, the floor shining in dark brown, I can see it through the two big archways and the window. All around me is the biggest sofa I have ever seen, in a somewhat worn light blue color, inter-spaced by little tables and lamps. The walls are decorated with trinkets. I can feel the soft carpet under my feet. The sun is shining, and I can feel its warmth and brightness. When I look […]

My very own “face book”

I have been participating in the daily photo project for over 15 years. My profile there is not public anymore, so sorry if you were excited about checking out the past 15 years of my life. I used this milestone to create a printed version of my profile there, with one month per page being displayed in the book. And actually, here is your quick flip-through opportunity to take a look at the past 15 years of my life: