Back to school

I’m one and a half weeks into being a full-time student at the University of Düsseldorf, and by now the flood of information is gradually turning into an array of observations. I’m constantly torn between being both intimidated and unchallenged by the workload. Everyone who has caught a glimpse of my schedule has exclaimed “Wow, that’s A LOT of courses!”. For me it seems very little, considering that I’m very much used to a 9am to 6pm schedule every day. Now I only have two such days, with one day ending at 4pm and the other two at 2pm (AND […]

Life Changing

It’s been a long, long time in the making and now it’s finally reality: from October onwards, I’m officially a full-time student! I don’t believe it either! I will be attempting a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Linguistics at the University of Düsseldorf. How and why? A few years ago a new law was introduced in Germany, which allows people with a completed vocational training (Ausbildung) plus three years of practical experience in that same job to either apply for university in the same field or to take an exam if they want to study a different field. This January […]

Much Ado About David Tennant And Catherine Tate

Much Ado About David Tennant And Catherine Tate

Back in January, on a boring Sunday while doing the usual nothing on the internet, I got a Twitter pop-up on my screen from David Tennant’s news channel. It had just been announced that David Tennant and Catherine Tate would be performing on stage in a new production of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. “Interesting…”, I thought aloud to myself, which alerted my boyfriend who was sitting next to me doing stuff on his own computer. I told him about this discovery, and after about 3 minutes of discussion, we had spontaneously decided that our summer vacation would take place […]

In the QI audience

In the QI audience

I’ve been planning my current trip to London since January, so naturally I continuously kept checking out cool stuff do to while I’m there. One of the things I checked out was, which is a platform where you can apply for TV studio audience tickets. And I got extra lucky – after applying for the waiting list, the reserve list and the actual ticket list, I got a priority ticket to the show QI! Yay! Unless you’re not British or a total Stephen Fry fanatic, you might be thinking “huh?”. QI (Quite Interesting) is a panel quiz show hosted […]

Little Monsters

Little Monsters

Two months after having taught myself how to crochet, I have created a monster. Er, actually, a few of them. The two Daleks I knit last year now have company by this fellow Doctor Who “monster”: That is of course an “Adipose” from the 4.01 episode “Partners in Crime”. One of the sillier episodes with one of the silliest monsters, but they are so silly that they’re just cute. The crochet pattern is on ravelry. The body was very easy though mine looks a bit more squashed than the one in the instructions. I also had my trouble with the […]

Back on the horse

Back on the horse

If you have been stalking me and my blog since it’s early days, you may remember me mentioning my horse Daisy a few times. But I doubt both, so I’ll be glad to tell the whole story again. I also daresay my writing skills have become less immature since I last wrote about my childhood passion: horses. Yep, I used to be one of those obnoxious horse-fanatic girls who regularly read trashy horse magazines (thankfully I got tired of them pretty early and read a “real” adult horse magazine, Cavallo in this case, instead). I wonder where my fascination for […]

How the carelessness of homo sapiens might restrict them from building spaceships

We, the human race, are constricted to this tiny planet, located in a huge galaxy within an even more inconceivably big universe. The science fictional notion of trying to discover planets still seems like a thing of the far far away future, but will it actually ever happen? The rapid progress of the last hundred years might come to a full stop sooner than we think, because we have exploited our planet to it’s limits. In November 2010 it was officially announced that we’ve reached “peak oil”, meaning that the time where the maximum amount of global petroleum extraction is […]

Getting hooked

Getting hooked

Two weeks ago I spontaneously taught myself how to crochet. Of course I already knew how to knit, but having had too much time on my hands to browse ravelry, I saw some cool crochet patterns which appealed to me. So I dug out those old crochet hooks who I’ve inherited from probably my grandmother plus some leftover yarn, and started crocheting. YouTube has once again been a great help, and about an hour later I created a somewhat crooked swatch. Afterwards I tried my luck with a granny square, which still looks a bit crooked, but I think I’ve […]

Of Parallel Universes, Alternate Realities, Realms and Dimensions

Of Parallel Universes, Alternate Realities, Realms and Dimensions

As a side effect of the significant amount of Science Fiction I’ve been enjoying lately (most recently having devoured Fringe in no time), I’ve noticed a phenomenon that is almost as inexplicably over-present in fiction as vampires or zombies are: Parallel Universes. There’s just one thing in which Parallel Universes strikingly differ from fiction-favorites vampires and zombies: their existence can not be proven, nor can be proven that they don’t exist. They are the lab cat of science, locked in a box labeled “Schrodinger’s”. Science usually refers to Parallel Universes as the “Multiverse”, which I will also do here, mostly. […]