As usual, here is my review of this year. It’s been probably the most life-changing year since 2005, because I gave up my job and started university.


  • After a quiet New Year’s Eve at home with Fantasia movies, we shortly after started thinking about adding a room to our apartment – the attic above our kitchen would made a good addition once renovated. But now, one year later, we still don’t have a sale contract so we mainly use it as storage place for now.
  • We finally got a new oven, after the old one died miserably.
  • I created statistics for my watched movies. Exciting!
  • Another of our annual Fratzentreffen took place in Frankfurt with yummy African food.


  • Having been a knitter for 5 years, I finally taught myself how to crochet also. I crocheted and crocheted for the next couple of months.
  • I went to the movies twice, probably the most frequent I’ve been to the movies this year – Black Swan and The King’s Speech.


  • We visited my brother in Berlin, which we combined with a lot of sightseeing
  • For the first time in about 15 or 20 years, I went to the Equitana again, a trade fair for horse-y stuff. It was an odd reliving of my youth, though less exciting and somewhat more commercial.
  • We built a terrace for the garden.


  • After 12 years on the ground, I was finally Back on the horse. It was an interesting experience for sure, but after giving it another 10 tries, I pretty much gave it up again for two good reasons: it’s INSANELY expensive and I just can’t afford to do it as often as necessary, and it’s just not the same when you don’t have a horse that knows and trusts you. I got a different horse every time I was there and that’s just not very effective.
  • I participated in a German Blogosphere Event and listened to a lot of Serbian Music.


  • May was probably this year’s summer, so we spent a lot of time in the garden.
  • I discovered some hidden treasures of Düsseldorf by bike.



  • In July we were so busy renovating that we didn’t have time for anything else – not even festivals. The first room to be renovated was the bathroom, followed by the living room. We also got new furniture to optimize or little space, like bookshelves.
  • My brother visited my in Düsseldorf. This is noteworthy because it has not happened since I moved here.



  • September saw the final paintbrush strokes of renovating with a new color for the kitchen and a new floor for the hall. After three months, we were finally done (but as always, some small things remained…)
  • We were invited to a wedding and all dressed up.
  • Since I would start university in October, I had my last day at work and made some awesome cake for my ex-co-workers.


  • University begins! Back to school!
  • One of those final strokes for the renovation is a throw for the sofa I sewed, since we weren’t too fond of the sofa’s color.


  • I celebrated my fifth year in participating in Goodness how time flies.
  • My time was mostly occupied with studying, since my first mid-term exam was in early December.


  • Some additional detail was added to the living room; new hardware like an XBOX, a new TV and an optimized sound system. The living room is finally perfected.
  • This year I had to celebrate Christmas at my parents sans boyfriend – he was sick in bed. I spent most of my time at my parents’ house sorting out stuff in the boxes in the attic, where I found the occasional trivial thing.
  • This year’s New Year’s Eve will probably be a repetition of last year’s – though probably with different movies 😉

And this is it! I’m very curious what next year will bring me – so far, I already have a lot of ambitious plans 😉