Browsing Moxie’s blog, I found the Blog Question Challenge 2025, which originated on Ava’s blog. Back in the golden age of blogs, these challenges were quite fun to participate in. Today, I think it’s a nice thing to do to highlight why I returned to blogging (part of that also has to do with quitting social media). Well, here we go!

Why Did You Start Blogging In The First Place?

I started “blogging” when I was a bored teenager living in a small village at the ass end of the world, and it was my outlet to communicate with more like-minded people than what I had access to, and to find my voice in a place that tended to ostracize me for being different/too quiet. 25 years later, I’m blogging again mostly as a way to process my thoughts, and mostly just for fun. I enjoy writing about things that I’m passionate about, and in particular when it comes to reviews, I just think it’s a nice way to express my thoughts and opinions on the vast amounts of media I consume. Maybe it will even help the ~3 people who read my blog to find something new to enjoy.

What Platform Are You Using To Manage Your Blog, And Why Do You Use It?

I use ClassicPress. It’s a fork of WordPress without the horrible Gutenberg editor that took all the fun out of blogging. It’s pretty sleek and very functional for my purposes.

Have You Blogged On Other Platforms Before?

I previously used WordPress, which became worse and worse over the years, hence the switch to ClassicPress. In the past, I had my own, self-coded “platform” written in PHP, but at some point that became a bit too basic and too vulnerable, which is why I switched to WordPress sometime in the 00 decade.

Aside from this blog, I also sometimes write posts on, but that’s a private platform where only my friends can read what I write. That’s usually where I write a lot more personal stuff.

How Do You Write Your Posts?

Sometimes I start writing them in my current note-taking app (Keep), but lately I’ve just been writing them directly in my ClassicPress backend and save them as drafts while they’re in progress.

When Do You Feel Most Inspired To Write?

Usually when I finished consuming some really good media, like a great book or book series, a TV show, or a video game. I tend to view the current state of the world through the media I consume. Dealing with the real world is just too much to handle these days, which is why I like escapism so much. Very rarely I also blog about personal things on this blog, but that is becoming harder because it feels weird. It was easier in the 00s when the internet was a way more anonymous place.

Generally, I tend to write a bit more in winter than in summer. German winters are depressing and usually I’m not motivated to leave the house that much, giving me more time to think about things to write.

Do You Normally Publish Immediately After Writing, Or Do You Let It Simmer?

Depends, sometimes I schedule posts and try to stagger them a bit if they are not really time relevant. Usually I spend at least a few days on a post because I usually remember more things I can add before I publish it. Sometimes I work on more than one post in the same day, so I usually schedule them to be posted at least a week or more apart.

What’s Your Favorite Post On Your Website?

I have a few candidates for that. One of the longest posts I ever wrote was about the TV show Jericho, and this later actually heavily inspired my bachelor’s thesis. I’m also very fond of my in-depth character analysis of Arthur Morgan. My little experiments in creative writing are also quite fun.

Any Future Plans For the Website? Maybe a redesign, changing the tag system, etc.?

For the moment I’m pretty happy with the looks and set-up of the site. My tag system is and always will be fairly silly and serves more as a way for me to do meta commentary on my own posts. Changing that would be just as silly.

My current plan for my blog is just to write a lot more, and put all the things that would in the past have been a tweet/toot/skeet into a blog post instead.

That’s all folks! Feel free to grab these questions for your own blog 🙂