What a day in teaching! Today was the penultimate session of my Introduction to English Linguistics. Early during the session, I got a bit angry at one person who was talking on the phone, and asked them to please go outside if they must talk on the phone during my lecture. Shortly after, once I distributed the exercise handouts, that person plus five other people left the session. I’m not quite sure if it was because of my little rant or because the exercises were too hard… anyway, I thought it was rather funny, and I was pretty glad they were gone because they were whispering all the time.

Then at the end of the session I asked everyone to write down a question about one thing that they didn’t understand during this seminar. I was a bit shocked how many people didn’t even understand the very basic things, even some that we talked about at length today. But there was one really lovely little note among them, which I can’t help sharing ❤️

Originally posted on Instagram