Today I’m celebrating my fifth anniversary in the participation of I have already blogged about my first anniversary, second anniversary and 1000. picture (with video) (and I’m kinda running out of original things to write about it). I’m very proud that I’ve reached this milestone of 5 years without missing a single photo, and I sure hope I’ll be blogging about the 10 year anniversary too. Goodness, how time flies…

I can only repeat myself in saying that I love this close-knit community and the idea behind it. It’s been a pleasure to see it evolve over the past few years and I’ve made many friends among the Fratzenschneider1. I’m also happy about the fact that we finally have a few active non-Germans participating, among them Caity from New Zealand and Pete from Rhode Island. It would be fun to see more international folks, but I can understand zat ze chermans can be intimidating sometimes 😉

The platform itself has evolved a lot since the beginning, all thanks to its brilliant programmer and Fratzenmeister2 Michael. In the beginning of the year the website saw it’s first major redesign in launching version 2, to which I was happy to contribute some layout stuff. It’s become one of the (IMO) best and most easy to use websites on the internet. But in the end it’s all about the people anyway, and they’re the best 🙂

So much has happened in these five years, and the coolest thing about dailyfratze is that I can just look at a picture or a month view and know exactly what was going on back then. I’ve seen a lot of the world (Finland, Sweden, New York, Austin, San Francisco, New York again, Austria, Cardiff, New York again, Vegas, Dublin, London), I’ve made new friends and lost track of others, I’ve learned how to knit again and taught myself to crochet, I rediscovered an old friend and found love, I’ve been to many Fratzentreffen3, I taught myself a few languages, I discovered the enthralling world of brilliant TV shows, and most recently, I quit my job and started going to university. The list goes on… and somehow in between all of this, I managed to subconsciously arrange my 5 year anniversary to be on 11/11/11. 😉

Here’s what five years of me look like.