Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Dexter Morgan, who works as a forensics blood expert with the Miami Police Department. He loves his job, and not only does he help his coworkers a lot with his analyzing of the blood splatter on crime scenes, his instincts about killers are always dead on.
Why is that? Because he moonlights as a serial killer himself and is a true perfectionist at his little ‘projects’. But he doesn’t just kill randomly – he only kills those who deserve it, people who have killed other people without reason. In their final minutes he confronts them with their inner demons.
In his inner monologues Dexter says about himself that he isn’t human. He is acting his whole life and his emotions, but in truth he doesn’t feel anything. He’s known that he’s a killer since his childhood, and his foster father, a cop, taught him many things on how to survive, including never killing anyone who doesn’t deserve it.
Dexter is starting to get involved in the case of the Ice Truck Killer, a serial killer who exsanguinates his victims, freezes them and then hacks them into neat pieces. This killer seems to wanna play a game with Dexter, awakening his very own inner demons… but the final revelation about the ITK is nothing Dexter ever could have expected
After having watched and loved Heroes, this was the next TV Show I got addicted to. I’ve finished Season 1 today and was blown away by the final episode – very unexpected. It’s a very different kind of show, but the TV junkie in me loved it, and I’m curious what Season 2 will bring us and whether it can live up to the great storyline of Season 1.
Dexter first got my attention in October 2006, when I had seen the trailers for the show on TV while at my aunt’s in the States (coincidentally one of my aunt’s cats is also called Dexter). Unfortunately I never got around to actually watching the show until a few weeks ago. The first half of the season was probably the funnier part, the second half the more suspenseful part.
“I can kill a man, dismember his body and be home in time for Letterman”
Dexter himself is played by actor Michael C. Hall, whom I know very well from the to date most outstanding TV Show I’ve ever watched, Six Feet Under. His role in SFU couldn’t be more different from Dexter, even though it is also surrounded by death – in SFU he played very convincingly gay funeral home owner David Fisher.
I have enjoyed Dexter’s first season, too, really awesome show with many surprises and refreshingly little cliche.
Btw. I "heard" somewhere that the first two episodes of season two leaked to the internet and I "heard" that they are just as good as season one of not even better.
I have discovered those two episodes, but I didn’t start watching them yet 😉
I’m very curious about Season 2 – I wonder if we’ll find out more about his past (because we obviously don’t know why all that stuff in the container happened yet…). The story of Season 1 was really unique, IMO.
Well they are absolutely brilliant and do to some extend dive into his character a lot. I’m really looking forward to the new season!
I just finished SFU Season 2 and was totally disappointed with the beginning of Season 3, i guess i’ll give Dexter a try. The trailer looks promising.
@Michael: Don’t stop watching SFU! 😉 Season 3 gets a lot better in the end and builds up to great Season 4 – lots of very emotional happenings there….
Damn, i came late to work this morning as i watch the 1st Dexter Episode. Promising and Hall is way cooler and sexier than in SFU.
SFU: I was laughing seeing Gabriel Gray.. ehem Sylar… aargh… Zachary Quinto 😉 in Episode 4… I was waiting for him to chop someones head off…
Whaaat Sylar is in SFU? I had no idea… I haven’t seen SFU in over a year 😉 I guess it’s time to watch it for the fourth time….
S03E04… He plays an art student, not a big role.
But he’s also to play the young Mr. Spock in the new Star Treck Movie to come.
@tante: OK, I get the diving part now 😉 Can’t wait for September… !!
Wow, awsome 😀
WHAT?! Done with the first Dexter season already? ^^ Or are you talking about SFU?
Nope, talking about Dexter. Thursday was rainy, almost the whole day. I can make an excuse with that.